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Nordic Continuum are excited to announce our Nordic Continuum Programme and Mentoring Opportunity in Scandinavia, beginning early Spring 2020.

We have pleasure in offering six residential retreats in Denmark, Norway and Sweden to support those drawn to deepen this moving practice, and to experience the mysterious and intelligent landscape of the body and its healing effects. These retreats enable us to spend extended periods of time in silent inquiry, where we can deepen and thus move beyond our usual habits and patterning, including that of time.

Listening to and honoring our own impulses, discovering our own rhythms, as opposed to being bound by our daily routines and patterning, we can begin to explore what is beyond the constraints of time. 

The use of breath, sound, subtly dynamic movement stimulation, and a receptive, sensory state of attention, allows us to notice movement impulses that arise from within. By consciously allowing these movements, we support complex, self-regulatory processes that are often accompanied by mental and emotional clarity, a sense of nourishment, connection and safety often described as "coming home". We shift our conventional, rational orientation from linear thinking to a more multi-directional embodied state of body-mind thinking, that can feel pleasurable and connect us to more wholeness and wisdom.


Continuum can support our ability: 

  •      to be empathic and relational

  •      to be clear and decisive

  •      to awaken creativity, innovation and play

  •      to be sensual and receptive

  •      to be vital and persevering

  •      to self-regulate and realign

  •      to be autonomous and socially aware

  •      to process and reflect â€¨

  •      to be open and resilient


Februar 26 to mars 1,  2020 – Denmark, 

Teachers: Jeanne and Tone


Our body contains varying levels of fluid found within the tissues, blood, cells, bones, spinal fluids etc. Like the oceans and our planet, we too resonate in the fluid movement of Life itself. Here we open ourselves to this inter-connective flow and partake consciously in the larger orchestra of Life.


Wednesday evening to Sunday afternoon

Price all inclusive:  7500 DKr  - 4-day retreat, board & lodging at MELLEMRUMMET, Samsø, Denmark.

Pay to:

IBAN : DK6505170000357262



​To secure a place: payment of a non-refundable deposit of 1000 DKr,  to account:
Balance to be paid one month prior to course after which full fee is non-refundable



September 15 to 20, 2020 in Sweden, Ameyo and Tone,


We discover how to adapt and thrive in the relationship to gravity and space. Through the use of sound, breath and movement, we affect the density of tissue and mobility of fluids, opening ourselves to new potential for healing and vitality.



for workshop: 5.995,- SKr  – 5-day retreat, Tuesday evening to Sunday midday

for board & lodging: SKr 680,- for a shared double room, including all meals, coffees, tea, fruit, etc. 

For those wishing to stay in a single room there is an additional charge of SKr 100 per day. This charge is made only if there are participants in shared rooms and is a way to encourage bonding as opposed to isolation.


To secure a place: payment of a non-refundable deposit of 1.500,- SKr,  to account:

From Denmark: 0274-4595690293

From abroad: IBAN-nummer: DK6730004595690293 BIC-kode/SWIFT-adresse: DABADKKK

Balance to be paid one month prior to course after which full fee is non-refundable.

Book your place, send a mail to:



January 25 to 31 2021 in Norway Jeanne and Ameyo


Inquiring into our vitality, we enter into a deep sensory exploration of our cellular make-up. We sense into how this is all connected, how each and every cell exists in its own right yet is deeply connected and woven into the fabric of life. We fill ourselves with the delight of the life force that we are part of.



June 28 to July 3, 2021 Sweden, Tone and Jeanne 


Here we explore the resonance and rhythm of the heart, the beat of its inner song to the outside world, and the call of the heart to connect. We listen, sense, feel, move and express the song of the heart beyond our cultural definitions and open into Essence.


January 24 to 30,  2022 Denmark,  Ameyo and Tone
Tracing the River of Life that flows through us, we notice and reflect on the shape of this inner tide of fluid as it undulates through our mid-line and our spine. We listen to the ebb and flow of the spinal fluid as it encompasses, and offers forth, the creative power of our life energy.


June 27 to July 3 2022, Norway, Ameyo, Tone and Jeanne 
What is the body capable of? What is the potential if not trapped in and defined by our Cultural Anatomy? As all living beings, we all carry the seed of our emerging future.  As we open ourselves into remembering our fluid origins and reconnect to the ancient river that flows through all life, we can open ourselves with intent and awareness to participate more freely in our daily life.


Wish to become a Continuum teacher?

If you are interested in teaching Continuum in the future, these retreats will provide some of the experience to support you in this process. 

Continuum teachers from all over the world came together in 2014 to create a new Continuum Teachers Association (CTA), which will accept new teachers. Our program is designed in alignment with CTA guidelines.  Our teacher training will also include further group and individual mentoring sessions, online or in person. For either please reach out to Ameyo, Jeanne or Tone by using the contact information provided below.

More information about CTA, read more on 


To book your place and get involved in the Nordic Continuum experience, or if have any questions relating to the retreats or the mentoring and teaching programme, please reach out to us on email. You can also read more about each of us and what we offer individually, via our websites:


Ameyo Barfred-Dixon:

Jeanne Jensen:       

Tone Gilje:    



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